Sunday, September 26, 2010

beautiful Africa

I will post pictures soon, promise!

I'm still staying at the YWAM base, not sure when I'll move into my permanent home yet but I'm enjoying every minute of having a room to myself and coffee - although its instant - and tea - I'm currently obsessed with Rooiboos tea and drink at least 3 cups a day :) - at hand whenever. The favorite snack here is toast, and we eat that all the time too.

Yesterday we went to Hermanus to watch the whales and see the beach. It was incredible!! I'll post pictures as soon as I get my own internet time (I'm still borrowing :) ). Hannah and I climbed out onto the rocks and we saw the whales jumping! Hannah swam in the ocean for the first time...fellow Floridians, IT WAS FREEZING. NOT swimming weather for sure, but she took advantage of her opportunity, as there aren't beaches in Germany.

Random facts about Worcester: there are always dogs barking here. Laura, I saw a GIANT dader at the beach!! It made me miss you a LOT. The weather has been chilly, but beautiful and sunny. There are mountains all around us, which makes for beautiful sunsets and sunrises. No matter where you are, children will always run up to you and hug you and play with you hair...yes please.

Friday we went to a drug rehab facility to share good news with some of the inmates. It was incredible to see God move through language barriers and into hearts to release the captives! (Is 61) I read Ps 61 to them, a passage that I prayed over and over when I was overwhelmed with commitments and pressure my junior year of college. Little did I know...the place was called Toevlug (sounds like two-flag)...which means sanctuary in Afrikaans! It was really amazing to see the Lord work through His words and heal the hearts of the people there.

Praise the Lord for my sweet friend, Hannah! She leaves on Wednesday morning and I'm going to miss her TERRIBLY! All of the DTS students are leaving for outreach Monday, so there will be many new people on base. Pray for continued development of relationships here, please!

That's about all I have time for, for now. If you're tuning in to the Passion Livelink on Monday night...we'll be joining you! :) Love you ALL, thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement!!

1 comment:

  1. Sara - Uncle Charles & Aunt Lisa here on Sunday morning.....reading through your blog and thinking of you. What a challenge that has to be working with such a diverse group of children. You have always had a special connection with kids and we think they are lucky to have you. We thought you might need a little humor today...ran across these quips...."Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car" or "I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car." There....doesn't that make you feel better??!!
    Love always, your Aunt & Uncle
