Thursday, November 4, 2010

the windy city

Whoever said Chicago was the windy city clearly never came to Worcester. My gosh! In just a matter of minutes the wind can go from a light breeze to a gale force blast. I LOVE IT. It is a constant reminder of the power and awesomeness of our God. Whenever He pleases, He just stirs up a mighty wind and blows it through the mountains and into our lives. I don't know about you, but I haven't been stirring up any hurricanes or anything lately....God is SO much bigger than our tiny little minds can even begin to comprehend!

The wind also reminds me that God is always doing something new, something fresh. Last night I fell asleep just as the wind was picking up, and I was reminded that a new day was coming; a new chance to tell people that they are loved and valued, a new chance to shine light into darkness, a new chance to live for a purpose, for the God of the universe and His mighty plan in this place.

I have been reminded this week that I am a child of God - Gal 4:4-7 - and because of Christ I have received full rights as a daughter of the King! I can rest assured that God knows my heart (because He created it) and is constantly moving and working. The more I delight myself in the Lord, the more of Himself He reveals...and THAT is becoming more and more the desire of my heart! Funny how we take that for granted sometimes, eh? HE IS who His Word says HE IS, and He is FAITHFUL to do what His Word says He'll do! Hallelujah!

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